Pedals presents cheque to Port Perry Hospital Foundation
On November 2, 2021, the Rotary Club of Port Perry presented a $40,495.19 cheque to the Port Perry Hospital Foundation raised from the first edition of Port Perry Pedals.
The Port Perry Pedals organizing committee met Port Perry Hospital Foundation (PPHF) executives Rachel Agnoluzzi (CEO) and Trena De Bruijn (President of the Board of Directors) on November 2, 2021 at the Rotary Gazebo in Palmer Park, Port Perry to donate the funds generated by the first Port Perry Pedals charitable cycling fundraiser held in the summer of 2021.
The funds, raised through a mix of participant entry fees, individuals and team pledges, donations from the community, and generous corporate support, were designated to the Foundation's "Here for You" campaign of $4 million to purchase a CT scanner and other life-saving equipment for the Port Perry Hospital of Lakeridge Health.
CT scans are used frequently to diagnose an injury and/or determine medical treatment, very often in emergency situations. Currently, all Port Perry Hospital patients who need a CT scan are transferred to another hospital for their scan before treatment can begin. Every day, a CT scanner at Port Perry hospital will shorten time from diagnosis to treatment for our patients. And sometimes, it will be the key to saving someone's life.– Port Perry Hospital Foundation
Port Perry Pedals and PPHF (from left to right): Marc Gibbons (organizer), Kristy Brown (organizer), Elio Romano (VP Rotary Club of Port Perry), Trena DeBruijn (President, Port Perry Hospital Foundation Board of Directors), Will Prentice (organizer), Occo Van Tijn (Organizer & Treasurer, Rotary Club of Port Perry), Daren Jones (Organizer & President, Rotary Club of Port Perry), Rachel Agnoluzzi (CEO, Port Perry Hospital Foundation), Bob Almack (organizer)
On September 12, 2021, Port Perry Pedals welcomed 200 cyclists from across Ontario. Participants chose from routes ranging between 30 and 100 kilometres. A family 10km was also offered.
The Port Perry Pedals organizing committee extends its thanks to all event participants, donors, and sponsors for the generous support to help us bring critical health-care equipment to our community.