Port Perry Pedals donates $56,000 to Lakeridge Health Foundation
Port Perry Pedals 2023 organizing committee
Port Perry Pedals donates $56,000 for PET-CT at Lakeridge Health
Port Perry Pedals is proud to have raised and donated $56,000 to Lakeridge Health Foundation for the purchase of a PET-CT scanner at the Durham Regional Cancer Centre.
Funds were raised through our third ride which saw 200 cyclists of all ages and abilities travel one of our 5 picturesque routes.
PET-CT is expected to arrive by end of year 2024, and is the final piece of equipment in the "Our Cancer" campaign.
The campaign was especially personal for event founder Marc Gibbons, a cancer survivor who has had 8 PET-CT scans performed outside of the Region of Durham. Marc completed his cancer treatment just a few weeks before Port Perry Pedals 2023 after a four-year long battle with lymphoma.
The Port Perry Pedals team is incredibly grateful to our sponsors, donors, and everyone involved in this truly special cause and event. Thank you.